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In case of painting older surfaces be sure to sand the surface that will be varnished to provide adhesion for the new varnish.

As to the sanding, it requires preparation. Along with the use of the surface certain damages emerge caused by physical or chemical agents.

They have to be examined before surface renovation. When there are no deeper scratches or damages it would be sufficient to apply a proper primer coat that is characterised by filling properties.

However what should be done to make the primer coat adhere to the old surface?

The workpiece should be sanded using paper with preferably coarse gradation, we used greater gradation, for the coat had been well hardened,

P400 will ensure no deep scratches that could reveal a structure that cannot be filled, which will result in a classic coating flaw.

In the course of sanding we may use tools such as orbital sander that will significantly accelerate the work with workpieces.

Areas not easily accessible should be cleaned manually with paper with proper gradation.

After completion of sanding operation the excessive dust should be removed using compressed air, which will substantially facilitate the next stage, namely degreasing the surface.

It is recommended to use a CP 015 thinner of the Multichem brand for this activity.

It is one of the sales hits, which is an indicator of its effectiveness and customers’ attachment to a well-proven product at a good price.

It is aimed at cleaning the painted surface of waxes and silicones, which prevents creation of craters and eyes as well as larger inclusions and dirt in the applied surface.

An atomizer made of PP is a best solution for application of CP 015, which will prevent its possible damage.

After application of a cleanser the workpiece should be wiped with a cleanser, so as to completely remove the dirt from the workpiece.