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Clear coat – does not need to mean clear

Clear coat – does not need to mean clear

Recently I was asked a question relating to the ‘color’ of the clear coats. It might seem bizarre, however, it is not the first time when I heard that kind of question. Let’s try to explain the origin of this phenomenon.

While evaluating of painted elements the whole responsibility for the erroneous shade falls on the mismatched color of the basecoat, it is considered to be a ‘culprit’ – which generally in most cases is true.

What if the difference in the color is visible on the surface that was already covered by the clear coat only?

We can face up such a situation while using a shading method during painting. First of all – the clear coat turns the painted surface yellow or darken.

It happens when we use low quality products, however, everybody knows what to do to avoid this problem… – but what if it happens while using high quality tested products?

Answer to this question is rather complicated, but the reason may lay in the product itself or the method of application.

First of all, the thing usually ignored – is cleanliness of a painting equipment, fitting and containers in which the mixture is being prepared. Even, a trivial negligence may be a severe revenge.

Second, we need to pay our attention to additives we use while preparing a mixture.

We can buy a high quality paint, but when we are going to use a bad equivalent for a hardener or a thinner, the final effect will be the same as we were using a low-quality clear coat.

Method of preparation surface to painting is the next element that can affect the final result.

When we notice any discoloration on the surface that was previously exposed to weather conditions for years – only a proper cleaning and polishing of the repaired places can save us from unpleasant surprise in the future.

Last but not least - technique of painting. Let’s try to keep thickness of varnish layer as close as this one put on the adjacent parts.

When we apply a very thick layer of clear coat, then as a result of changing refraction angle of light rays, we can feel the color changes.

One of the ways in which we can eliminate these type of changes is as far as possible gradual shading at the edges of factory pre-finished components.