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Back in black
Back in black
Rankings says it all, black color is one of the most popular car paints. For many years the top three colors are white, black and silver.
Customer can have a car painted any color he wants as long as it’s black
Black was the only color the Model T came in from 1914 through 1925, and the reason was economics, not style. Black was the only color paint that could be dried quickly, and speed was important at the Ford plant because of its enormous volume.
It has been a long time since then, the range of available car colors expanded drastically, but still black color is widely chosen, because of its versatility, elegance and exclusiveness.
The very fact of wide range of colors is not without significance. Nowadays color brings attention, it tells other people who you are, it can determine your style. Even among black color, there is a variety of shade choices.
Black color results from the absence or complete absorption of light. A black pigment can, however, result from a combination of several pigments that collectively absorb all colors. If appropriate proportions of three primary pigments are mixed, the result reflects so little light as to be called "black".>
This provides two superficially opposite but actually complementary descriptions of black. Black is the absorption of all colors of light, or an exhaustive combination of multiple colors of pigment.
How do we deal with this during production?
Unfortunately, complete absorption of light is impossible, but we strive for perfection. Soot has been used for black pigment production for centuries, which has essentially remained unchanged.
Another very important step is to achieve the smallest size of the pigment particles. For example, a large part of the black paint available on the market includes particles of 100 nm of size,
which is about 600 times less than the human hair. The smaller the particle, the greater the effect of light absorption is.
Multichem has succeeded in obtaining black pigment, which particles are nearly 10 times smaller, than the other most popular black pigments.
This type of pigment is used to produce base JetBlack product, which guarantees remarkable intensity.
The color that we get, brings excitement in the eyes of other drivers.