The advantage of the Profix Refinish System is a unique mechanism that allows you to connect the spectrophotometer to the cloud, which enables you to use an online formulation program, so you can significantly increase work efficiency, precision and eliminate potential human error. 

Our innovative system allows you to send color measurements from the spectrophotometer to anywhere in the world. These colors are then corrected to find the best-matched color from our extensive database. 

To further speed up the process, we introduced the MC MIX, an automated mixing machine that replaces the traditional manual system with an automatic mixer. This self-contained unit allows precise color preparation with an accuracy of one-thousandth - making it possible to obtain even very small quantities with unprecedented precision.

In addition, the MC MIX can be combined with a "spectrophotometer - cloud - MC MIX" system. In this case, the color measurement is sent to the cloud, and then, if the MC MIX machine is connected to the cloud, it is possible to immediately mix the selected formula. 

Multichem proposes a system that is ideal, efficient and, and most importantly, unique in the world. We believe that our innovative approach will revolutionize the way we work with colors and contribute to even greater efficiency and precision in the industry.

We thank you for your support and look forward to sharing our success with you. Multichem is always focused on innovation, and our latest developments confirm that we are moving in the right direction. We look forward to future projects and the opportunity to further shape the future of the automotive industry.

Multichem employees at the Automechanika trade fair
Confirmation of Profix brand nomination for innovation award

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